<b>Transform your Raspberry Pi into a server for hosting websites, games, or even your Bitcoin network</b><h2>About This Book</h2><ul> <li>Unlock the various possibilities of using Raspberry Pi as a server</li> <li>Configure a media center for your home or sharing with friends</li> <li>Connect to the Bitcoin network and manage your wallet</li> </ul><h2>Who This Book Is For</h2><p>This book is targeted towards all Raspberry Pi enthusiasts who are interested in exploring the potential of Pi as a server. Even if you have no prior experience with the Raspberry Pi, you can pick up this book and develop a wide range of projects.
<p><b>Piotr J. Kula</b>
2台の Raspberry Pi を無線でつないで 一台のカメラで撮影した映像を家の TV にフルハイビジョンで中継(ちょっと遅延あり)