

Master application development by writing succinct, robust, and reusable code with Qt 5About This Book*Unleash the power of Qt 5 with C++14*Integrate useful third-party libraries such as OpenCV*Package and deploy your application on multiple platformsWho This Book Is ForThis book will appeal to developers and programmers who would like to build GUI-based applications. A knowledge of the basics of Qt and C++ would be helpful but is not necessary.What You Will Learn*Create stunning UIs with Qt Widget and Qt Quick*Develop powerful, cross-platform applications with the Qt framework*Design GUIs with the Qt Designer and build a library in it for UI preview*Handle user interaction with the Qt signal/slot mechanism in C++*Prepare a cross-platform project to host a third-party library*Develop a Qt application using the OpenCV API*Use the Qt Animation framework to display stunning effects*Deploy mobile apps with Qt and embedded platformsIn DetailQt 5.6 is an application development framework that provides a great user experience and develops full-capability applications with OpenGl/ OpenGL ES graphics acceleration.This book will address challenges in successfully developing cross-platform applications with the Qt framework. Cross-platform development needs a well organized project. Using this book, you will have a better understanding of the Qt framework and the tools to resolve serious issues such as linking, debugging, and multithreading. Your journey will start with the new Qt 5 features. Then you will explore different platforms and learn to tame them. Every chapter along the way is a logical step that you must take to master Qt. The journey will end in an application that has been tested and is ready to be shipped.

